Nutan Shiksha Sadan (Nursery Wing)
Governed by Mukherjee Memorial School Society, Nutan Shiksha Sadan School was established in the year 1975, where Pre-Primary upto V std. classes are held. Currently there are 50+ students in Play way, 600+ students in Nursery Wing & 1300+ students in Primary Wing. All these students have actively participated in various extra-curricular activities such as Scholarship Exams, Sports Activities, Art & Craft, Gift Wrapping Competition, Skating, Judo, Dance Competition, Computer etc.
The Government grants aid to the salary of the teachers and other non teaching staff but there is an acute shortage of teachers and the non teaching staff. As such, the Society has employed many persons from out of its meagre resources so that the minimum standard of safety, security for girls etc. are all maintained. In addition, the Society is burdened with other expenses like maintenance of building, additional safai karmcharis, water and electricity charges and providing other inputs like proper black boards, desks/benches, chairs etc. and other furniture for the staff rooms of teachers.
The Society is planning Skill Development Centre (where Vocational training will be given) in the school. To meet these expenses, the Society depends upon donations from persons, NGOs and other related bodies. So, We request liberal donations to the Society by way of Cheque in favour of Mukherjee Memorial School Shahdara Society. These donations are exempt under the Income Tax Act, as already mentioned above.