Motiram Memorial (Girls) Sr.Sec.School
To achieve its objective of spreading education among all , the Society established another for Girls in the year 1965 known as Motiram Memorial (Girls) Senior Secondary School. This school is running classes from VI to XII std. with all the three streams of Science, Commerce & Arts in XI - XII std. Currently, there are 35 teachers who are teaching around 1000 students enrolled in different classes. These students have actively participated in various extra-curricular activities such as Science & Math Exhibitions, Scout & Guide, Art & Craft, Sanskriti Gyan Pariksha & Talent Search Examinations and won laurels.
Remarkable Achievements of the students of this school include INDIRA AWARD (won by 18 students) during 2011 -2015. CBSE Board Results of class X during last 3 years has been 100% whereas for XII , it ranged between 96-99%: - Science & Maths Models selected at National Level were based on Use of Sets (Maths Model 2013-14) ; Bio-Diesel from Algae (Biology Model 2014-15); Uses of Aloe Vera(Middle Science2015 – 16) In Sports, Cash Prizes and Medals have been won for Martial Art in Taekwondo-Green Belt and Bronze Medal in Asia Karate Championship in 2015.